FERW spokesman Dr Lee Rotherham has joined commentators from across Europe as one of the talking heads on ARTE. The topic under discussion was whether sportsmen and women are politicians (or political figures) like any other.

The programme was aired on 6 November on ARTE 27, bringing together a cross-border collection of contributors. In it we very briefly raise the question for instance as to whether footballers who express political opinion are any different than reality tv figures or other celebrities when offering personal opinion rather than providing professional expertise – and the risks that might follow to the credibility and neutral space of the sport.

The link to the show is here: https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/106527-018-A/27/

It’s very much an abridged version with only a few segments of selected micro clips taken from 90 minutes of round table discussions. Hopefully the full debate will be available soon and we’ll share that link when it does. It was a very challenging and engaging debate.