
About FIFA Ethics and Regulations Watch (FERW)

FIFA Ethics and Regulations Watch (FERW) is an independent organization that observes and reports on the ethical standards and corruption-free execution of the sports business, with a focus on football and its main body FIFA. Because the sports industry is constantly in the public eye, it’s bearing the major responsibility of being a positive rolemodel. FERW considers it its duty to monitor this responsibility, based on 5 pillars:

FIFA in Focus

As FIFA Ethics and Regulations Watch, our main focus is to monitor the main body of football (FIFA). FIFA has gained a lot of power since its foundation in 1904. A power that reaches far beyond football. Our aim is to check if FIFA is executing its major responsibility according to its own ethical standards and regulations and in constant abidance with the international law and human rights.

Gender Equality

Gender equality sadly is still a very present issue in many industries, no exception for sports. In professional sports, as well as in sports for leisure, training and sports management, women are still underrepresented and there is a major wage gap. As FERW we encourage countries, federations and clubs that apply gender quota, standardize gendermainstreaming and take proactive measures, such as public debates, mentorship and role modeling.

Corporate Social Responsibility

FERW supports and encourages (sports related) companies to engage in CSR, on all aspects of society. A very large amount of world citizens is directly or indirectly involved with the sports industry. For this reason it is extra important that the corporations representing this industry set a positive example socially, economically as well and environmentally.

Sports & Politics

There are numerous cases in which politics have played a positive part in the history of sports. Like the famous example of the sporting boycott of South Africa during apartheid. But in many more cases politics are misused to force biased disputes between countries. There is a thin line between what’s lawful and what’s simply wrong. FERW aims to spot and prevent the abuse of power in the industry of sports.


Recent reports show that discrimination in sports seems to increase rather than drop. Both passive and active sport enthusiastics report more cases of discrimination every year. FERW is astonished that racial differences, sexual orientation and religion can still be marked as an issue to some people in these days of globalisation, tolerance and diversity. We’re destined to ban out any incident of discrimination in sports and anywhere else.

Other than these 5 pillars, we make sure we keep a close eye on violations of human rights in sports, as well as on positive examples and best practices of clubs, federations, corporations and individuals.


FERW started as in initiative of former football players and human rights activists in early 2016. The basic idea was to blend sports with human rights. In 2017 the idea turned into an organisation that is growing rapidly with followers and supporters.


Our vision is to promote free and fair world sports by making sure the main body (FIFA) is free of corruption and treat countries equally.