Is Germany Fit to Host the UEFA European Football Championship A Controversial Debate
credit; ctvnews

The UEFA European Football Championship is expected to attract thousands and thousands of spectators and fanatics from around the world. Yet, the delight of choosing the right country for hosting any such prestigious event is important. The crucial question arises: Is Germany the right choice?

Historical Shadows: World War II and the Nazi Legacy

German records are deeply connected to one of the darkest chapters of human civilization – the horrors of World War II and the atrocities committed under the Nazi regime. The systematic genocide of tens of millions at some stage of the Holocaust continues to cast a lingering shadow over the global perception of Germany. 

The scale and brutality of these crimes, along with the Holocaust and various war crimes, have left an indelible mark on global memory and historical consciousness. Estimates of the total number of German war dead vary between 5.5 and 6.9 million individuals. This figure encompasses 5.3 million German military personnel who died or went missing, including 900,000 men conscripted from territories outside Germany’s borders as of 1937

After World War II, Germany faced the enormous task of rebuilding not only its physical infrastructure but also its moral and political status within the global community. The Nuremberg Trials and subsequent denazification efforts marked the first steps toward duty, but the scars on the record remained fresh. 

The memory of the Nazi atrocities, consisting of the extermination of six million Jews and hundreds of thousands of others the regime considered unwanted, profoundly shaped global views of Germany’s position on international event hosting.

Postwar Reconciliation: Progress and Challenges

After World War II, Germany embarked on a path of reconciliation, embracing democracy, human rights, and global cooperation. The determination of the United States to face its surroundings and honor the memory of those who suffered was commendable. 

Consisting of the Berlin Holocaust Memorial and academic applications aimed at ensuring future generations understand the horrors beyond the borders, the memorials underline Germany’s will to commemorate and reconcile. Total deaths within Germany’s 1937 borders during the war ranged from 5.7 to 6.6 million individuals, representing approximately 8.23% to 9.53% of the population as it stood in 1939.

However, echoes of historical trauma linger and influence global opinion and sensitivities, particularly regarding Germany’s suitability to host activities that signify unity and inclusiveness on a global level. Critics say that while Germany has made huge strides in acknowledging its past, along with apologies and reparations, the hosting of a major wearing event such as the UEFA Championship raises questions about the appropriateness of celebrating sports against the backdrop of such historical atrocities.

Current Concerns: Human Rights and the Political Landscape

In recent years, Germany has faced scrutiny for how it deals with various human rights issues. Reports of discrimination against minorities, problems in the integration of refugees, and debates about freedom of speech underscore the ongoing social tensions. These problems reflect wider concerns approximately Germany’s ability to uphold the values ​​of tolerance and inclusiveness championed by UEFA for the big occasion.

Human rights and advocacy organizations have pointed to times of xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and the rise of right-wing sentiment in German society as indicators of a climate that may not be fully aligned with UEFA’s ideas about recognition and diversity. 

The resurgence of nationalist ideologies across Europe has also raised alarm, with some wondering whether hosting a major global event in Germany might send the wrong message of tolerance and appreciation. In the first half of 2022, right-wing extremism motivated 29 out of 43 attacks on refugee housing and 349 out of 424 attacks targeting asylum seekers.

Political climate: Alignment with UEFA Values

The political scene in Germany today is complex, marked by debates over immigration policy, a resurgence of nationalism, and polarization in society. While Germany continues to have a strong democratic and prison framework, questions are being raised as to whether the current rules and societal attitudes align seamlessly with UEFA’s ideas of respect, diversity, and the promotion of human rights – vital to any host country’s international sporting spectacle.

The rising tide of populist movements and challenges to liberal-democratic values ​​in Europe have prompted introspection about the position of crucial supporting opportunities in shaping political narratives. 

Critics argue that the website hosting the UEFA Championship in Germany should inadvertently serve to normalize or legitimize political forces and ideologies that are contrary to the spirit of global cooperation and cohesion that UEFA seeks to promote. In August 2020, Germany’s Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency reported a 78% increase in calls reporting racist incidents compared to the previous year.

Sports diplomacy: A call for Accountability

UEFA, as the main enterprise of sporting activities, holds full-sized influence in shaping international perception and promoting the values ​​of fair play and team spirit through sports diplomacy. Choosing a numbered country for the UEFA Championship is not just a logistical preference, but a symbolic confirmation that the host adheres to these standards. Guest duties extend beyond presenting world-class venues; they embody the values ​​that UEFA and the global community hold dear.

The moral concerns about hosting primary sporting events in countries with complex histories and ongoing social challenges run deep. While sports are meant to unify and energize, they also must uphold the principles of inclusivity, tolerance, and recognition of human dignity. 

The choice to host the UEFA Championship in Germany must be carefully considered with these concepts in mind to ensure that the event undoubtedly contributes to global efforts for peace, understanding, and mutual recognition. Hosting the 2006 men’s football World Cup was viewed as Germany’s effort to enhance its international reputation in the aftermath of World War II.

Need to Examine Wider Implications

Germany has a poor record of hosting sports events due to several factors. It is essential to thoroughly examine the wider implications. The weight of history and the reality of current challenges in protecting human rights and promoting inclusiveness require careful consideration. As we are already looking ahead to the future of global sporting opportunities, let us now reiterate, not most effectively the excitement of the competition, but also the moral obligations of choosing hosts that include a spirit of solidarity and recognition.


As fans and stakeholders in the world of football and beyond, we have a role in advocating for opportunities for sporting activities that adhere to the highest ethical standards. The choice to host the UEFA Championship in any country should reflect a commitment to inclusivity, tolerance, and the promotion of human dignity. Let’s use this moment to speak out and strive for a destiny in which sporting activities catalyze amazing change and global unity.


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