FIFA Ethics and Regulations Watch (FERW) strongly supports FIFA’s decision to uphold the ban of the Former Brazilian football president Marco Polo Del Nero for bribery.

According to FIFA, its adjudicatory chamber has found that Mr Marco Polo Del Nero had breached art. 21 (Bribery and corruption), 20 (Offering and accepting gifts and other benefits), 19 (Conflicts of interest), 15 (Loyalty) and 13 (General rules of conduct) of the FIFA Code of Ethics and, as a result, banned him for life from all football-related activities (administrative, sports or any other) at national and international level. Mr Del Nero was also fined 1 million Swiss francs.

The FIFA Appeal Committee has confirmed the decision.

As an investigation revealed, Mr Del Nero had received bribes in exchange for awarding media and marketing contracts for various tournaments, including the Copa America, Copa Libertadores and Copa do Brasil.

In light of this news, FERW calls on FIFA to investigate bribery cases in sports worldwide.

Furthermore, FERW also calls on all football clubs and associations officials to abide by FIFA regulations and act in accordance with the FIFA Code of Ethics to ensure that all practices are conducted in a clean and moral environment.


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